If you've ordered a large number of items, your order may be sent in multiple parcels.
Occasionally, these parcels may arrive at different times if they’ve been sorted separately by the courier. Typically, split deliveries will arrive within 24 hours of each other, but please allow a bit more time during busy periods.
In some cases, we might not have all the items available in our warehouse, so some may be sourced from a store and shipped separately. If this happens, you’ll receive separate order numbers and dispatch confirmation emails, usually starting with 025 or 003.
Please check if the missing item has been sent separately. For more details about orders sourced from stores, visit our dedicated section here.
Still Missing an Item?
If you're missing an item from your order, or if you’ve received an incorrect product or size, please contact us as soon as possible with the details of the missing or incorrect item, along with your order number and email address.
Please hold onto the outer packaging, as we may need images of it.
Keep in mind, missing items must be reported to us within 7 days, as we won’t be able to assist after that time.